Thanks to our professional and independent management, we are well-equipped to swiftly and selectively take advantage of opportunities that present themselves in the financial markets; our decision-making process is tactical and in accordance with your investment profile.
By entrusting us with a management mandate, we will develop an investment strategy – based on our long standing experience – in respect of long-term global evolutions.
The building up of your portfolio and the selection of financial instruments, as available in the entire investment universe, is done in a totally independent and tireless manner. Our active management takes into account all the various asset classes right up to the level of individual securities. That being said, our objective is always to maintain a simple and comprehensible portfolio structure when it comes to asset allocation as well as its evolution over time.
The pragmatic construction of your portfolio is dominated by several principles:
Un análisis macroeconómico en profundidad
El rendimiento de una cartera depende principalmente de la asignación de activos y la distribución monetaria. Por eso, para nosotros es de suma importancia la comprensión macroeconómica general y un análisis exhaustivo de los factores determinantes.
A Thorough Macroeconomic Analysis
A portfolio’s performance depends mainly on asset allocation and monetary distribution. We attach a massive amount of importance to overall macroeconomic understanding and to a thorough analysis of the determining factors.
An Open Architecture
In view of the market’s complexity and dynamic nature it is not always evident to master all aspects. This is why we opt to cautiously select the most performant financial instruments for every asset class. Only an open architecture can guarantee the kind of independence necessary for this approach.
Global Diversification
We consider a global approach of the financial markets as essential. Our investment universe is not impeded by geographical barriers and so neither is your portfolio. This welcoming of opportunities from the global financial market results in a natural diversification, which strengthens our objective and strict rules pertaining to diversification when building up your portfolio.